Title: Wonderful Grace of Jesus (291)
Key: C
C Adim C G7 C E7
1. Won-der-ful grace of Je -sus, Great-er than all my sin.
2. Won-der-ful grace of Je -sus, Reach-ing to all the lost.
3. Won-der-ful grace of Je -sus, Reach-ing the most de -filed.
Am G D G G7
1. How shall my tongue de-scribe it? Where shall its praise be -gin?
2. By it I have been par-doned, Saved to the ut -ter -most.
3. By its trans-form-ing pow-er Mak-ing him God's dear child.
C Adim C C7 F
1. Tak-ing a-way my bur -den. Set-ting my spir-it free;
2. Chains have been torn a-sun -der, Giv-ing me lib- er-ty;
3. Pur-chas-ing peace and heav-en For all e- ter-ni -ty;
Adim G Adim G G7 C
1. For the won-derful grace of Je-sus reach-es me.
2. For the won-derful grace of Je-sus reach-es me.
3. For the won-derful grace of Je-sus reach-es me.
C G G7
Won-der-ful the match-less grace of Je-sus;
C G7
Deep-er than the might-t roll-ing sea.
G7 C
Higher than the moun-tain; spar-kling like a foun-tain;
All-suf-fi-cient grace for e-ven me.
C G G7
Broader than the scope of my trans-gres-sions;
Great-er far than all my sin and shame.
Adim C F C G C
O mag-ni-fy the pre-cious name of Je-sus; Praise His name!